Friday, August 15, 2014


Do we really need to say anything more?

By the way: St. John was amazing. We hoped to meet Kenny Chesney, but no luck.  We did, however, talk to some people who see him frequently.  Even a girl who works there...that comes from Boston....

Shout out to Royal Caribbean, St. Maarten, and the Bahamas too!

Meet Max

It's been a very long time since we have even though about posting something-- busy year for us Bowers:

Adopt a dog
Get married
Buy a house?

We thought it would be important to highlight the newest member of the family: Max.  Or Maxwell, Maxi, Maxine, Maxum, etc.  He is one spunky and fun puppy.  Daily we get asked what he "is".  We have no answer to that.  He is himself.  He is Max.  He was once abandoned, and now, dearly loved.  We don't have enough wonderful things to say about our experience with City Dogs Rescue.  Lindsey is now training to become an Adoption Counselor through their program to give back.

As for Max, he seems to be enjoying life as a Bowers: